Friday, June 8, 2012

Classical Hall Resistance

Hello everyone, I was working through the mid semester exam again, and in Question 3 (d) we are required to find the classical Hall resistance in 2D by analogy with the 3D case. I'm not sure which quantity this Hall resistance is exactly, though, because of the 'hints' given in the question. The question itself seems to suggest use of the Drude relation, is this right?

Good work too, everyone, on passing so far! :)


  1. And also for Question 2, is (b) asking us to work out the conductivity with both electric and magnetic field?

    Thank you :)

    1. We wish to find conductivity from the Drude equation.
      Noting that there is zero magnetic field inside a conductor, our external force is only from the electric field.

      Taking a relation between the current density and electric field, we should be able to painlessly derive expression for conductivity.

  2. I've interpreted Q3(d) as taking the Hall resistance, for which we have relation (which is proportional to B-field) on p17 of our Drude model notes.

    So yeah, I took Drude.
    What else?
