Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Possible change of times

Hey everyone, sorry to be 'that guy', but I was wondering if anyone would object to moving the monday and wednesday 2pm classes to 1pm? I have tutes to give at 2pm on each day, so won't be able to make it then. I spoke to Ross about it and he said if nobody object we could just have the classes an hour earlier. But if it messes anyone else over, then don't worry about it.


  1. Hey Dale (and everyone),
    1 PM on Wednesday suits me well, but I have a class at 1PM on Monday. Is there another time on Monday that is still good for you (and everyone else)? Were we still planning to have a 'lecture' in the morning on Wednesday? 1 hour isn't a very long break, after all.

    Josh Harbort

  2. Condensed matter is the only class I and most other people have on Monday. On Wednesday, the only other class we have is a Quantum lecture at 9am.

  3. Hi everyone. I don't mind changing the time. It works out better for me that way.

  4. fine by me, I am the same as Joseph.
